Anatomy and Physiology of Crown Chakra aka Sahasrara


The anatomy and physiology of the crown chakra aka Sahasrara are associated not only with the posturing and the functioning of the organs in skull, in structure as well as in action; but also with the working of brain at its maximum efficiency.

Of course, here also the first effect goes on the structure of the eyeballs and the working of eyes as far as eyesight is concerned, only to do so in its completeness.

The eyeballs turn perfectly round when the eyes are looking at a far off point. When it happens so, the eyes focus only at one single point. They do so in order to see it clearer than the next point sitting just adjacent to it. This is what central fixation is.

Eyes are the borderline organ between the body and the brain. Central fixation of the eyes is the central fixation of the mind as well, and thence the central fixation of the brain!

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