Heart Chakra Blocking 4th Chakra’s Free Energy of Kundalini Flow

As 4th chakra’s free energy of Kundalini flow gets blocked by the heart chakra, it ends up in clogging not only the flow of blood, but the flow of almost everything in your life.

As it happens so, we tend to shrink within our own self, slouching our shoulders in the process.

Which mental disposition makes us slouch our shoulders?

In fact it’s the mental hurry that our psyche resorts to in whatever we are doing!

But how does the equation form itself?

Well, if we are ambitious, we will sure be in mental hurry to fulfill those ambitions.

Let us accumulate today, and tomorrow we shall spend it to enjoy!

The more and the earlier, the better we will be able to do so!

Our shoulders also tend to push us forward. It generates a forward slouch in them narrowing the chest and, in the process, heart also.

We turn into a petty soul.

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