Throat Chakra Blocking 5th Chakra’s Free Energy of Kundalini Flow

5th chakra’s free energy of Kundalini flow, when gets blocked by the throat chakra blockages, results in not only losing the balance of the hormone flow through the body, but also the balance of life in the mind body system that we humans are.

A blocked throat chakra gives the shoulders their second slouch in the form of a droop as well as a habitual bend to the neck stopping the head from being held high.

It brings disaster!

In fact it tends to pull the third eye chakra down and thus blur the vision and the mind out of their single-pointed focus.

It also tends to pull the crown chakra down losing the dynamic focus out of its balance in life.

Not only this, it also contracts the muscles around the organs placed below it, i.e., the solar plexus, the abdomen, and the pelvis!

It sure is a major culprit as far as the body diseases are concerned!

But why on earth do we keep our shoulders drooping and the head held low?

In fact we need energy to keep them upright against the pull of gravity for healing the throat chakra.

We don’t have enough energy in our body to keep them so!

Continue reading further…


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