Crown Chakra Blocking 7th Chakra’s Free Energy of Kundalini Flow


The 7th chakra’s free energy of Kundalini flow, when gets blocked by a closed crown chakra aka Sahasrara chakra, simply renders all the work done with the opening of the lower chakras as undone and ineffective as far as mobilizing the energy through its circuitous route via the spinal cord in the body is concerned; ultimately tending them all to close again in the due course of time.

In fact what the opening of third eye chakra does to us at a human level, the opening of the crown chakra extends the same to a super-human one.

The ultimate human evolution, as far as it concerns the full human potential, remains incomplete unless the seventh chakra is open along with the rest of them all.

Conversely speaking, an open crown guarantees that the rest of them all are open too.

It opens the last gate that had been obstructing the flow of energy to complete its circuitous path entering the body through the root chakra and leaving it from the crown in order to enter the root again, and thus keep its flow dynamic.

It relaxes every single muscle in the body to be in its highest state of efficiency. This applies when one needs doing an action in its totality.

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