Signs of Depression: Depression Treatment by Chakra Healing

Depression treatment by chakra healing through opening chakras depends on the signs of depression. In fact it depends on the kinds of mood disorders it is trying to heal.

These may vary with the types of depression. They include major depression or clinical depression, bipolar depression or manic depression symptoms, and anxiety depression disorder along with others. In fact they all have widely different symptoms of depression. But the causes of depression are as varied as from the very obvious to vaguely unknown.

Also anxiety and depression are always the two extremes that the sufferer keeps swinging between. Hence any treatment including the mainstream or alternative treatments for depression have to take care of all this. Hence they need to take care of the overt and covert signs and symptoms of depression. These may cover anxiety and depression treatments together, in one single go.

The levels of neurotransmitters in brain like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine have seen to be associated with the level of depression that a person is suffering from.

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