Chakra Meditation: The Myth and The Reality

Chakra meditation is a popular term that has been as much confused about as it has been corrupted. It’s done by the mala fide intentions of those who just use it as a slogan. And they do so to grind their own axe whatever reason they do it for.

Meditation is something that tries to still the noise in the mind.

Now, what essentially is this noise all about?

It’s simply either chewing the cud of the past happenings whether fondly or with a grudge, or else projecting the future events even before they have materialized themselves (as if one could really do so!).

Along with making castles in the air, this day-dreaming projection could very much include day-mares (just like nightmares) as well!

That’s all about the noise what it is.

But, why does our mind make it after all?

The reason is very simple. An empty mind is a devil’s workshop!

Why is the mind empty, then?

No, the mind is not really empty. It has rather gone blank to a great extent.

Keep reading…


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