Chakra Healing As Best of All Chronic Constipation Remedies

Chakra healing through opening the lower torso chakras to cleanse the digestive system is undoubtedly the best of all chronic constipation remedies out there that a major chunk of human population all through the world perennially keeps depending on as well as trying one after another, though without any permanent relief from any of the digestive problems, digestive disorders, or digestive diseases whatsoever.

The widespread problem that has assumed epidemic proportions by now has to do with irregular bowel movements and hard to pass stool resulting in fecal impaction or bowel obstruction.

What is the basic reason for constipation?

The causes vary between obstructed defecation and colonic slow transit, the former being mechanical and functional in nature whereas the latter has dietary and hormonal causes for its existence.

People often go for laxatives and enemas to get rid of the problem. But it only provides a temporary relief without ever addressing the root cause of it. Changing dietary habit also does not seem to do much good.

Voluntary withholding of stool as lifestyle conditioning is the most common cause leading to the chronic stage of the problem.

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