7 Chakras: Chakra Balancing for Chakra Healing with Chakra Meditation

What Are 7 Chakras?

7 chakras are 7 energy nodes in the body. At their locations, they trap the cosmic pranic energy in a whirl on its way through the spinal cord. But if they are open, they let the energy pass through without any resistance in its path. And if they are closed, which they generally are, they block the said energy from moving ahead.

Opening 7 chakras tends to eradicate chronic lifestyle diseases like sex problems, obesity, eye vision problems, constipation, back pains, breathing problems, heart condition, hormonal imbalance, hypertension, spondylitis and chronic headaches to name a few. 

Opening chakras also tends to unblock the flow of Kundalini through its spinal path in the body. In fact it spiritually uplifts the level of energy in the body and the mind. As a result this enhanced level of energy takes care of almost all the psychological problems. These are also the problems which afflict the majority of humanity today.

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