Root Chakra Diseases: Constipation & Other Lifestyle Diseases

Constipation, majorly induced by a closed root chakra aka Muladhara chakra, is one of the most widespread lifestyle root chakra diseases throughout the world.

And constipation never comes alone, rather invites a host of its cousins along; namely belly fat. It results in an ugly shaped pot belly, acidity, bleeding piles and loss of appetite. It also causes foul smells including a smelling mouth, burping and farting in wrong places at wrong times.

In all these cases people tend to posture their hips pulled forward. It results in their anus squeezed all the time. The said posture also tends to keep the urethra squeezed numbing the urinary sensation in the urinary bladder.

Moreover the pulled forward posture of hips and the squeezed anus are responsible even for poor sex performance. It causes premature ejaculation in males as well.

Constipation has become so common in the modern culture throughout the world these days that it’s no more considered to be a serious illness, it’s rather considered a way of life people are bound to compromise with. But closing the eyes to the coming trouble does not resolve the trouble, it rather accentuates it. You need to open your eyes and do something about it!

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