Chakra Balancing Versus Chakra Dissolving: Two Different Approaches

Was it chakra balancing or was I dissolving something in my body? Could it be called chakra dissolving?

No, I was not balancing anything at all!

I know I am speaking against an established norm that this discipline has been following since ages past. But has this norm ever clarified itself crystal clear to the minds of the masses? Why does it keep itself so esoteric?

Or is it that people don’t really understand what the whole thing called chakra balancing is really all about?

I do doubt so. And I did doubt so when I started searching for the real concrete meaning of the whole thing but just could not make any real sense of what I came across through what all was available to be studied in the topics concerning the entire discipline of it.

Everything that I put my hands on was a pathetic repetition of one another in the petty spirit of ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’. The same old wine that the scriptures had brewed once was being served in new bottles time and again… and again… and again.

Keep reading further…


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