Anatomy and Physiology of Root Chakra aka Muladhara Chakra


The anatomy and physiology of the first chakra aka Muladhara chakra are closely knit together.

In fact the two – the anatomy and physiology – are always symbiotic to each other in any and every organ or system in the body.

If we posture them rightly, they will work rightly too.

Conversely, if they are not working right, we must have displaced their positions and distorted their shapes!

The two affecting each other make it into a vicious circle. This vicious circle in normal circumstances is never able to come out of its viciousness on its own.

The only way out is re-posturing the organs in a conscious way. We need making this conscious awareness the very first nature of the body in the due course of time.

That was what happened with my root chakra aka Muladhara chakra as I re-postured it right.

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