Chakra Sound Healing with Antique Handmade Tibetan Singing Bowls


Chakra sound healing is a secondary passive option for assisting your primary active procedure of chakra healing through re-posturing body. It’s an effective assisting option increasing the speed and the extent of healing. And nothing does it better than playing antique handmade Tibetan singing bowls!

Let’s first talk about the chakra sound frequencies. In fact every chakra is associated with a specific frequency. It’s true about its color as well as its sound. The said frequency is the natural frequency of its vibration.

What do we mean by the natural frequency of an object? It simply means that the object is tuned to accommodate a whole number of waves of that particular frequency. Let’s take the example of a guitar string. When you pluck it, it produces the sound of a particular frequency. That is what its natural frequency of the string is. It accommodates a whole number of the sound waves that it produces along its length.

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